ミスターベーコン コラボレーション&移転のお知らせ |  Mr Bacon Collaboration & Relocation

ミスターベーコン コラボレーション&移転のお知らせ | Mr Bacon Collaboration & Relocation

[English is below]


白馬はアウトドア愛好家にとって、1年を通して人気の観光地です。グリーンシーズンには、トレッキング、マウンテンバイク、ハイキング、キャンプ、スイミング、SUP、北アルプスの大自然の中でのアウトドア・アドベンチャーなど、さまざまなアクティビティを楽しむことができます。もちろん、地元の素晴らしい食材、新鮮な空気(湿度ゼロ!)、きれいな水も見逃せません! 冬には、世界屈指のスキーやスノーボードをお楽しみいただけます。光り輝くふわふわの雪、初心者にも上級者にも楽しめるスノースポーツのゲレンデ、そしてリラックスできる熱い温泉があります。

居心地の良いエンバー・ロッジは、通年営業の五竜スキーリフトから徒歩100メートルの場所にあります。 冬にはスキーヤー、夏にはゴリュウ山の植物園や渓谷の素晴らしい眺め、山頂のトレッキングコースやアスレチックパークへのアクセスを提供しています。また、有名なほど澄んだ青木湖までは車で7分ほどで、水泳やスタンドアップパドルボード、カヌーをお楽しみいただけます。 近くには10軒の公共温泉があり、リラックスして楽しむこともできます!


ご家族やグループの皆様が、美しい日本アルプスの大自然の中でリラックスしたりリフレッシュしたり、お楽しみいただくための拠点として最適な場所です。 もちろん、ベーコンもご用意しています!





ご予約は以下のホームページからどうぞ。 ember-lodge-hakuba.com
口コミ -->  Google Maps Link & Reviews 


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ember.lodge.hakuba/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ember.lodge.hakuba/


ミスターベーコンのマイク @ Mr Bacon & Ember Lodge

Thank you for waiting!  We have some exciting news for all Mr Bacon fans!  Since last fall we have had many new developments at Mr Bacon HQ!  Our wheels are still turning and we have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to create awesome ways for you to enjoy Mr Bacon with your friends and family!  Its been a lot of work but we can finally let you know what we have been up to!

We are proud to announce our partnership with Ember Lodge located in Hakuba, Nagano.  

Hakuba is a year round destination for people that love the outdoors.  The green season is absolutely gorgeous with lots of trekking, mountain biking, hiking, camping, swimming, SUP and outdoor adventure in the beauty of the Northern Japanese Alps.  Not to mention amazing local food, fresh air (no humidity!) and clean water!  The winter season hosts some of the best skiing and snowboarding in the world with its amazing light and fluffy snow, beginner friendly and more advanced terrain for snow sports and bubbling hot onsens to relax in.  

The cosy Ember Lodge is located a short 100 meters walk from the Goryu ski lifts which operate year round.  In the winter the lifts are for snow-lovers, in the summer the lifts take you to amazing views of the valley, the Goryu botanical gardens and access to trekking trails and athletic parks at the peak.   The famously clean & clear Lake Aoki is also a quick 7 minute drive from the lodge where you can swim & enjoy stand up paddle boarding and canoeing.  There are 10 public onsens close by for you to relax in as well!

Ember Lodge has warm rooms with heated floors for up to 28 guests, dry room (for winter equipment), a covered terrace for BBQ and relaxing, a cosy lounge & dining room to enjoy with your friends and family as well as a small bar that serves the coldest beer in Hakuba valley ;)  

It is the perfect location for families and groups of friends to use as a home base to easily relax, refresh and enjoy their time in nature in the beautiful Japanese alps.  And enjoy Mr Bacon too!

Of course at Ember Lodge we have Mr Bacon in our breakfasts!  Guests at the lodge enjoy the savory tastes of our 4 flavors of bacon as a great way to start their day!  

We invite you, your family and friends to come to Hakuba and have an amazing holiday with us at Ember Lodge either in the green season or winter!  In the winter we can host couples and groups.  In the green season we host groups of 6 or more so bring some friends & family!

Please use this code when booking on our site for a special Mr Bacon discount:

DISCOUNT CODE :  ilovebacon

Our homepage where you can book your stay is:  ember-lodge-hakuba.com
Checkout our google site & reviews here:  Google Maps Link & Reviews  

Dont forget to follow us on social media for updates, news and info:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ember.lodge.hakuba/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ember.lodge.hakuba/

Thank you for all of your support and we hope to have an amazing bacon adventure with you in Hakuba soon!

Mike @ Mr Bacon & Ember Lodge


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